3 Tips I’ve Learned in 3 Months of Blogging

As I reflect on these first few months of blogging, I wanted to share a few tips I have learned. It has been a beautiful journey thus far and I can only fathom the adventures that are on the horizon for this little blog and I.

3 Months of Blogging Image

  1. Blogging takes time. Between writing, editing, networking, social media, etc. there always something to do. I have also been spending a great deal of time reading through Pinterest pins to brainstorm post ideas, how to grow my blog, and how to utilize social media. I have gained so much insight to the blogging world in just these short three months. I learned that blogging is what you make of it, and it can be anything you want it to be with a lot of hard work. I also really appreciate all of the free blog planning templates out there! They are such a huge help with brainstorming and organization.
  2. Friendships are waiting to happen. The Peony Project has blessed my heart. It is an intentional Christ-centered community where members can share their weekly blog posts, prayer requests, and ask blogging questions. I have been learned a bunch from the other bloggers and I love how they have been supporting me, too! I also appreciate link-ups and the opportunity they create for me to visit other bloggers and leave them words of affirmation. I have really enjoyed my link-ups with Anne in Residence and Blessed is She.
  3. This is just the beginning! Remembering this gives me so much peace. I do not have to be making $15,000 yet or have thousands of followers. It is okay that I haven’t yet made a Facebook page. I am just starting my journey, making beautiful friendships, and learning lessons along the way. It is easy to compare my beginning so another bloggers middle, but the way the Lord is working through this little blog has filled my heart with so much goodness. I am just going to keep trusting Him and watching where this adventure takes me.

As a bonus, I have learned that blogging giveaways are AMAZING! I have won three giveaways in three months. I won a beautiful fair trade Christmas ornament, a 2016 Emily Ley Simplified Planner, and beautiful hand knitted ear warmers. How fun, right?

There’s so much more that I’ve learned through these first months of blogging, but those are the most significant tips that stand out to me.

What tips have YOU learned while blogging? We are on this journey together!

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13 thoughts on “3 Tips I’ve Learned in 3 Months of Blogging

    • lovethebachers says:

      Yes! I had waited a few months to start. I kept doing research, reading other blogs, and really making sure I had the time to commit before I took the leap. I’m so thankful I did, though. All of the hard work and hours spent have been more than worth it 🙂


    • lovethebachers says:

      I love that mentality. It can be so easy to compare, but I know that isn’t of Christ! You know? I’m really praying about entering the Facebook world! I love following bloggers pages and I’m wondering when I should take that leap of faith 😉 We shall see!


  1. Simply Sarah says:

    It just keeps getting better, lady! So happy your experience has been good so far! I love stopping by and seeing what you’re up to! Keep up the awesome work 🙂
    Peace, Sarah


    • lovethebachers says:

      Thanks, Sarah! I am thankful you gave me that final nudge to jump on in 🙂 I love how you share your weekly graces. I’ve been thinking a lot about a weekly, unique topic I can share on. I love the consistency!


  2. Karin Rambo says:

    It takes SO MUCH TIME! I never knew how much! It makes me realize how judgmental I was towards bloggers before I became one. I used to think people had too much time on their hands and were just blogging for something to do. You really need to be committed to it though! Bloggers are seriously hard workers!


  3. brittanyputman15 says:

    I have been blogging since September and I am blown away by the community! I expected to be blogging on my own but instead I feel like we are all working together to help each other out. It’s been a fun journey so far.


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